once bitten, twice shy is a newsletter dedicated to anything I find interesting. I’m Shy, but don’t worry—I don’t bite. I like to write about art, culture, and feelings. My main hobbies, I suppose, are video games, music, and manga. I write about music most often, which you can find in places like Pitchfork, Bandcamp Daily, and Tone Glow. Here, you’ll find the stuff that’s closest to my heart, written in my own voice.
Thanks for reading. It’ll be a good time. 💜
I’m on 📷Instagram and 🧵Threads, but I don’t use these lol
I have 🎥Letterboxd and 🎮Backloggd accounts that I post reviews on too!
A previous version of the logo up top was drawn by friend 🙈LOU. The current one was drawn by me, with lining and vectoring by 👹oni spumoni.
If you’d like to send me a love letter, get in touch at 💌hey@shy.center.
Should your wallet be too heavy, you can tip me via ☕Ko-fi.